The pivot of every happy family is a healthy woman. A healthy woman nurtures a healthy family, which is why even the smallest ailment disturbing her, affects the whole family. So to ensure her health we provide preventive health screening services to women of all ages.
The well woman clinic will often provide advice on:
- Gynaecological problems
- Family planning (including fitting an IUD coil)
- Cervical smears
- Breast disease
- The menopause
They may also provide emergency contraception.
You can also discuss your general health and have your urine, weight, cholesterol and blood pressure checked.
Some local hospitals also run well woman clinics. To use these, you don’t need a referral from your GP, and an appointment isn’t always needed. Ring your GP surgery for information. If neither your GP surgery nor local hospital runs a well woman clinic, many practice nurses are able to give breast awareness advice, do cervical smears, and provide information and advice on contraception and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).