Intensive care unit (ICU)

The critical care department provides Comprehensive Care and Life Support Services to patients who are critically ill and require intensive monitoring. Critical Care is a specialty that cares for patients with acute life-threatening illness. We care for all critically ill patients by giving them round the clock attention by our specialist doctors, resident doctors and trained staff. We have all the advanced equipments such as ventilators, multipara monitors, centralized oxygen system.

24 hrs admission facility

We are always ready for any kind of emergency as we have a dedicated team of specialist doctors, trained resident doctors and caring staff. We have facility for 24 hrs admission for all kind of emergency services. We have good ambulance service to pick up critical patients from on site. Our help lines are open all the time for needy patients in emergency.

24 hrs pharmacy and free home delivery

We have 24 hrs pharmacy services for indoor as well as outdoor prescriptions. We also provide free home delivery for prescribed drugs in nearby areas. We have made available all the medicines for common and specific illnesses.

Digital X-ray

Getting to correct diagnosis is the key for correct treatment. Keeping this in mind, we have installed high accuracy digital X ray and CR system at our hospital. It has been connected to the computer system for fast imaging and record keeping. Even before printing the image, we are on our way to treatment.

Pathology tests

All routine and special pathology tests are done at our hospital at a very reasonable cost. All our samples are processed in advanced and fully automatic machines for better accuracy and fast reporting.


We have sonography facility for all infertile patients including follicular monitoring, sonosalphingography, IVF cycle monitoring, gyneacological scans.

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