Dr. Smriti Deshpande
Dr. Smriti Deshpande has over 15 yrs of clinical experience. She has pursued her specialization in sports injury and nutrition in field of orthopedics. She graduated from Manipal University from MCOAHS, studied for masters in Maharshtra University of Health Sciences.
Later, she shares her knowledge with experience gained from working overseas with Umass Memorial Hospital in Massachussets, USA and Spaulding Rehabilitation part of Harvard Medical School, Massachussets USA, seeing OPD and IPD patients in Neuro Physiotherapy, Orthopedic Physiotherapy and OB GYN Physiotherapy.
Currently, working as Consultant OB GYN Physiotherapist with Dr. D Y Patil Superspeciality Hospital and Research Center, Pune.
Consultant Physiothersapist in Orthopedics and OB GYN at Orion Multispeciality Hospital and Emergency Care.