Dr. Parag Hitnalikar is one of the reputed and experienced Infertility Specialist in Pune. If you are searching for the Best infertility Doctors in Pune, then your search ends here! Orion IVF Pune is the best infertility clinic in Pune.
Our treatment is delivered in a professional and caring environment by a team of Infertility Specialist in Pune. The Best Fertility doctors in Pune are playing an impactful role in helping couples achieving pregnancy with the help of infertility treatments in Pune at this Male Infertility Clinic in Pune.
The Orion hospital has an infertility Specialist in Pune ventures to provide the best infertility treatments to patients who require infertility treatments at an affordable cost. The services available at the Fertility clinic in Pune are treatments related to male and female infertility. Nowadays, countless women are suffering from infertility. Because of that, they get numerous problems for getting pregnant, but now they don’t have to worry about this because there is an amazing solution for them that can help them in getting pregnant that is IVF which stands for In-vitro fertilization. For IVF there is the best infertility clinic in Pune that will provide you the best infertility specialist in Pune.
Orion IVF Infertility Clinic in Pune provides the best facility both for men and women. Orion has the best Infertility Specialist in Pune that ensures the success of this complex process.
It is a simple question but having a lot of ramifications in a couple’s life. Inability to conceive after one year of regular relationship & intercourse without the use of any contraception is infertility. Many couples don’t know when to go for medical help because of either ignorance, feeling of shame or fear.
But medical science has so much advanced nowadays that almost any couple can have a baby by some or the other treatment, which sometimes can be prolonged. Infertility is the illness in the reproductive system part of a female or a male body which is described by the failure to detect gets a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of normal unsafe sexual intercourse. Infertility means inability, incapability, or incapacity to release a child. It may be either on the side of the male or the female or both.
It is infertility which mostly refers to the spouses who can performing sexual intercourse but are incapable to give birth to a child.
In short, both the terms infertility and sterility mean the inability to conceive after one year of sexual life without using any contraception when the spouse gets worried about a baby. India is in a different position in the world for the infertility problem because of multiple reasons. The overall rate of infertility is 10-14 percent which is a population of over 130 crore translates into a very huge number.
Environmental factors such as pollution, artificial preservatives in food, pesticides, smoke, plastic, and a large number of pollutants affect the very basis of fertility. It can cause significant abnormalities in sperm parameters and egg quality.
Workplace & social stress is coming up as a huge setback of couples trying to get a baby by hampering sexual function & hormonal problems. A sedentary lifestyle, obesity, lack of exercise goes a long way in the overall health of couples. Reproductive tract infections, chronic pelvic disease, use of alcohol & smoking are hampering the fertility potential of a couple.
Moreover the couples because of their busy lifestyle, lack of domestics & family support are not able to take consultation & proper treatments early so as to get a better result. Timely treatment & a consistently positive attitude to take the treatment is very crucial for pregnancy.
In the era when Indian women are aging 5 years as fast as western women because of genetic & environmental issues, starting early treatment is very essential. We at Orion IVF have a team of professionals who are well equipped to take care of your infertility issues. We take the treatment to a whole new level by taking your medical history, your work shifts resources available into consideration; make a special plan for you to get quick pregnancy. Orion IVF assures you of the highest standards and quality care, so rest assured and make a decision to become pregnant.
Two kinds of Infertility are there i.e. primary as well as secondary or acquired. But there is one more type according to the situation which is popularly known as unexplained fertility. Primary infertility Even after repeated sexual intercourse, the female spouse has never conceived at all, this is called primary infertility. Primary infertility is basically for that spouse who has never achieved pregnancy yet.
Secondary or acquired infertility
In this type the couples are initially fertile and capable of producing a child but subsequently with a low rate of fertility, they fail to achieve pregnancy which means they have acquired infertility which can be only improved by medicinal treatment. In this case of secondary or acquired infertility, the situation of couples has that they have to get at least one pregnancy but have to fail because of conception. According to the expert’s opinion “Secondary infertility” is the term that is used for couples who have previously succeeded in getting at least one pregnancy.
Unexplained infertility
When there is everything normal with the couples, then it means that they are medically fit but still, the conception does not take place and reasons for no conception are not known even after careful diagnosis, it is called unexplained infertility. According to the specialist’s doctors,” unexplained infertility transpires when there is zero visible abnormality detected to define infertility even after availing all recently available diagnostic facilities.”
The main indications of infertility in females are not getting pregnant and have a baby. There may be no different noticeable symptoms that will be detected in a female. Sometimes, a woman with infertility may have abnormal or missing menstrual periods. In unusual cases, a man with infertility may have few symptoms of hormonal issues, like differences in hair growth as well as sexual function. Most couples will consequently conceive, with or without treatment.
- All of the steps throughout ovulation, as well as fertilization, require proceeding accurately to get pregnant. Sometimes the issues or problems that cause infertility in couples or spouses are present at birth, and sometimes they develop later in life.
- Infertility causes, as well as problems, can affect both the partner. Generally:
- In approximately one-third of incidents, there is a problem with the man
- In approximately one-third of circumstances, there is a problem with the woman
- In the residual cases, there are problems with both the man as well as the woman, or no problem can be detected.
Some types of infertility aren’t preventable. But several or many strategies/planning may increase/grow your chances of pregnancy. Couples The highest rate of getting pregnant will effective throughout the time of ovulation by having regular intercourse. Intercourse beginning or starting at least five days before and until a day after ovulation improves your chances of getting pregnant. Ovulation normally happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle and the halfway among menstrual periods — mostly women with menstrual cycles regarding 28 days apart.
- couples under 35 years not having the option to imagine inside one year of endeavoring
- Couples over 35 years not having the option to imagine inside a half year of endeavoring
- Ladies determined to have PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, and tubal issues
In vitro fertilization is a reputable, as well as famous supported reproductive technology, utilized to support a couple for conceiving. In In-vitro fertilization, the process of fertilization occurs in a laboratory. The female partner’s eggs are retrieved from her ovaries and fertilized in a lab using the male partner’s sperm, which is taken from a semen sample. After fertilization, the outcoming embryo is transferred to the uterus of the women, after the formulation of sperms. The transfer of babies is followed by implantation that appears in pregnancy when successful. For that Orion infertility specialists in Pune are there to help in conceiving.
Infertility has always been a significant problem in couples. Infertility refers to the inability to conceive after one year of having unprotected intercourse for reasonable frequency. Infertility is, however, divided into two categories- primary infertility: the inability to conceive for the first time, and secondary infertility: inability to conceive after one prior conception.
Studies have shown that infertility tends to affect around 10-15% of people. It is extremely necessary to be careful. One of the most important things to take into consideration that infertility can easily be solved with advancements in technology. Medical technology has moved at a rapid rate. However, several other factors are developing, which is one of the main reasons couples are becoming subfertile.
One of the main reasons why couples are infertile is because they delay the process of childbearing. With the increasing age, it becomes extremely harmful for them to manage. If the women steps into the last decade of reproductive capacity, they will eventually become prone to some problems such as decreased fertilization, anovulation, and spontaneous abortion.
Moreover, the increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases is one of the main reasons why people aren’t able to conceive. Infertility, however, contributes to several problems. If you are unable to conceive after repeated attempts, you need to get in touch with medical professionals. Medical professionals at Orion IVF, provide complete treatment of infertility. However, the evaluation of infertility is necessary. As a result, the evaluation of infertility is conducted to know the root causes. The evaluation process may prove to be a little time-consuming, but it is totally worth it. Counseling can be of great help to solve the problem.
At Orion IVF, we tend to carry out complete physical examinations of females as well as males for infertility.
When detecting infertility issues in women, proper care of endocrine disturbance is taken, such as the abnormal size of the thyroid gland, skin pigmentation. Acne growth, oily skin is complete signs of androgen excess.
Furthermore, a microscopic examination is carried out to check for vaginal or cervix infection. The vaginal smear wet examination helps to determine the causes. The abnormalities in the cervix are thoroughly checked for different types of problems such as gonococcus, Chlamydia, and more. Further surgeries are carried out, such as cryotherapy, cautery, and laser.
At Orion IVF, medical professionals will carry out the tests to check for secondary sexual development. The indication of the presence of gynecomastia can be harmful. Thus, a proper Physical examination is carried out. The general examination is carried out around the male genitals to check for any abnormality. Blood investigations are carried out to check for abnormality in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Further checking is carried around the epididymis by way of palpation. It also helps to check the vas deferens. The prostate should be thoroughly examined to check for prostatitis. Physical examination is necessary for both women and men to determine the causes of infertility. A slight disturbance in the hormonal level can prove to be harmful, which is why proper care is taken of it.
At Orion IVF, we ensure to gather information regarding the history and physical examination of both partners. Once this is done, our gynecologists may carry out an initial diagnosis. These will eventually help you determine the prominent problems. Within the first evaluation, diagnostic tests should be completed for a better idea.
Based on the collected samples, laboratory tests may be conducted. The ovulation documentation of women is essential to determine the causes of infertility. Different hormonal changes in the body can be harmful too. Thus proper tests may be carried out depending on the problem. At Orion IVF, during the course, the basal body temperature of both partners will be carried out. Once the physical and psychological evaluations have been carried out, our medical experts will move towards curing the problem accordingly.
Every aspect of infertility should be determined and checked thoroughly. One small mistake can lead to conceiving problems. Thus, at Orion IVF, we make sure to keep a close check on the couples and eventually great the problem